Oh, this was absolutely wonderful. Like humblingly so. I could never, ever write a story this good.

I loved it - both Clark and Lois are completely in character. I loved how Clark is so absorbed in making sure he answers all of the notes that he doesn't even notice Lois virtually throwing herself at him.

And I love how Lois' investigative reporting skills cause her to slowly realize ... Superman is replying to these tonight. He's not using superspeed. How odd! What if, could it be, well, it does explain an awful lot. Clark must be Superman.

I also really like Lois' reaction at the end. I have this great mental image of Lois getting up from her desk after typing that amazing message, heart pounding, probably sweating a bit, and wandering away. And Clark, who had been engrossed in responding to the last of the posts, is startled away from his computer by the pounding of her heart. But when he asks what is wrong and she dismisses him, what can he do? He can't tell her that he knows she's lying as he can hear her heartbeat. So, he goes back to answering posts.

And then, Lois' heartbeat still pounding in his ears, he sees hers. And it all makes sense.
