I CALL FDK! HA! dance

Now I just have to read it... ps tonight you're saving me from Die Fledermaus. frown At least this one's in english.

Hmmm, I see you employed the I-don't-know-what-else-to-say-so-I'm-going-to-write-the-same-thing-over-using-different-words technique. I was going to complain to management about that, but since I was a true devotee of said method in my essay writing days as well, I'll let you get away with it! Plus you're management, so what would be the point? But maybe as penance, a little epilogue is in order... Yes, I am a pest. angel-devil

Thanks for the great entertainment, Beth. I look forward to criticising, erm, commenting on your next work. laugh

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.