First off, Cris, this is very evil. wink

Lex is quite the dastardly villian and Lois is really blind to that. I know she is all confused about the things that have happened and is especially messed up with this latest revelation, but I still cringe everytime I see Lois beind so clueless about Lex. It just goes against everything I've come to expect from her personality and intelligence. In your defense, of course, is that the show is the one who set this situation up in the first place, so I guess Lois can be this gullible.

I think people might be forgetting Lex's conversation with Nigel earlier, where he told him that Mrs. Cox would call him to set up a meeting for later that night. So it's natural to assume that the man lying on the ground is Nigel. The only thing we, the gentle readers can hope for is that Nigel managed to tell Perry some good stuff before he bit the big one.

Tank the Resting (who is afraid that Cris has irrepairibly damaged the Lois and Clark relationship and they will never be able to get together again... sigh)