Thank goodness Lois is going to have Martha Kent on scene soon. I am enjoying what you have presented. I am not worrying about time travel because heck in the world of Lois and Clark anything is possible.
Martha to the rescue!

Ack! Mercy, you are such a tease. I love how you portray Kal, especially how you're showing us what he's picked up so far from the Kents. So far we know he associates with the name Clark, knows to answer the phone with 'hello', he knows who Elvis is and that apple pie is "mmm, mmm" good. So, is Martha the Elvis fan in the family? [Lol]

I didn't expect for Martha and Jonathan to be in town when Clark meets himself for the first time. It will make the revelation so much sweeter with them there (I've got this wonderful mental image of little Kal-El running to Martha and Jonathan) - but still dangerous for Clark when Lois puts the pieces together.
Yeah, I had a lot of fun trying to decide what an alien kid would pick up on when he only had a month or two on earth. How could Martha's apple pie not leave an impression?

I hope the big encounter with M & J lives up to your expectations--see part 5!

Just got caught up on this, Mercy, and I can't wait for more! Great stuff
Thanks for reading! Glad you like it!

That was close!! It reminds me of when Little Jason threw the piano at Luthor's henchman. Maybe Adrenaline causes power-spikes?
You know, I didn't think of it at the time, but I guess there are definitely parallels between Kal's use of heat vision in this scene and Jason and the piano. I guess even super-powered little boys will do what they can to save Lois Lane. smile

Lois is handling this so well. Me thinks she'll figure out all of the pieces shortly.
Methinks you are right. wink

This really is very sweet. I hope it continues from Lois's point of view all the way through, because it's always fun to watch her put the pieces together and call herself all kinds of names. And this one will be even better, because Martha and Jonathan will be just as stunned as Lois.
Yes, I'm doing the whole thing from Lois' POV. At one point I was sooo tempted to switch to Tempus', but I'm being good. Promise. grumble

Speaking as someone who hasn't seen the episode that this fic is based on, I can imagine adult Clark and Lois keeping four-year-old Clark and raising him as their own son. Wow, that would certainly be a reason for Lois and Clark to get married in a hurry. They would have to say that Clark, who is himself adopted, had managed to trace a biological relative of his, only to find that his relative had suddenly died and left a four-year-old behind.

Wow. Talk about time travel conundrums.
Yes, I imagine it would be harder to explain a kid appearing out of nowhere today than when the Kents found Clark. Then again, it helps that the Kents live in a tiny town in the middle of Nowheresville.

I definitely agree it would pose some serious time travel conundrums if Kal is never returned home!