Ann commented:

My favorite part of this chapter, however, was where Rebecca expressed her contempt and dislike of Cary Grant's dishonest character and Audrey Hepburn's gullible one. Clark always feels so righteous when he's lying to his girlfriends about himself, and I honestly think he needs to have someone take him to task for that once in a while.
I agree that Clark needs to see what he's doing and understand exactly why he's doing it, and that just keeping "The Secret!" really isn't a good enough reason to keep the secret. That's like hoarding money just so you have money, not so you can use it for anything.

But I don't agree that Clark needs to tell every girl he dates that he's Superman. Pretty soon there wouldn't be any secret to keep! And since so many of the FOLCs who've left feedback don't completely trust Rebecca, why would Clark trust her that far? He doesn't know her that well yet.

And even if Lex isn't the diabolically evil genius he has been in almost every other Superman tale, and even if some of the gentle readers are beginning to lose their gag reflex over Lex and Lois being a couple, I might point out that this is not a Lois and Lex forum. And that's the only hint I'm dropping here.

Both Ann and Maria have seen that Cat is in trouble and want someone to help her. The only problem is that someone who's in trouble has to be willing to accept that help, and Cat's not there quite yet.

Next chapter coming soon! Stay in touch!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing