Terry, I can't remember if I've ever posted feedback on your story yet. If not, shame on me! I've been reading since the beginning and loveing every minute of it.

I like the progression of Lois and Clark's relationship in this chapter. I can it's going to be a long while before any romantic stuff comes along, but the easy use of telepathy is enough to make me happy. Especially the whole bomb threat interaction.
Superman nodded. “Yes, Captain, thank you. I just heard something else.”

“Another emergency?”

“No. This was far less important.”
That made me giggle a bit. Clark pulled the classic "I'm Superman and therefore I have nothing to be worried about" move. Doesn't he realize that a mysterious bomb with a lead sphere in it only spells trouble? But he's probably pretty emotionally clouded right now, what with the bomb being planted in his dead wife's place of work. So maybe he can be a little excused for dismissing Lois.

Does the location of the bomb mean that one of the baddies knows that CK=S? I have a hard time seeing it as just coincidence.

Looking forward to more!

(PS, I also loved Lois's gibberish speak!)