Sara! I'm so very glad - and astounded, I'll admit - that you finished this!

She rotated her neck, grimacing as she felt the bones crack, and blinked, returning her gaze to the computer screen in front of her. The hum of the newsroom, a symphony of jangling phones and chiming elevator bells faded away as her eyes narrowed and her brain searched for the perfect line, the right combination of nouns, verbs and adjectives that would precisely and exactly carry the meaning she wanted to convey...

//I love you.//
That's an amazing opening. The description of Lois's tiredness, the sounds of the newsroom, and Lois's efforts to formulate just the right sentence - all that is written with a loving attention to linguistic detail, like a piece of poetry dressed up as prose. And suddenly the sweet flow of words is dammed up and cut short, interrupted by this short, sweet sentence: I love you. And I swear that I thought that Lois had been pondering how to best explain to Clark that she loved him, except she wanted to put it in not-so-trite words... and yet... nothing beats "I love you" when you want to explain to someone that you love him (or her), does it?

And then I suddenly realized that Lois had really and truly been interrupted! And not by her own quick mind, either. No, it was Clark who had seized the moment to interrupt Lois's thoughts at just the right moment to tell her what mattered more than anything in the world: "I love you."

Because in this tale Lois and Clark are telepathic! Well, with each other anyway! They communicate through telepathy!

Her head snapped up; the corners of her mouth curled into a beaming smile as their eyes collided and connected. She bit her bottom lip in pleasure as a tumult of thoughts crashed through her mind.

Suddenly they cleared, and she glared at him, doing her best to suppress her smile.

<Quit your moony-eyed daydreaming, Kent! I have a deadline to meet!>

Her only response was a grin and a salute across the newsroom - rolling her eyes in mock displeasure, she turned away.
I love how you write this.

Amazing how quickly they'd gotten used to being in each other's heads. Amazing how akin to being in her own head it now felt... how comfortable... how somehow reassuring... a constant companion, a reassuring voice in your ear... like having a talking cricket on your shoulder...

//Are you seriously comparing me to a talking cricket?//
Hah! I know what she should have said, instead of "I love you" (well, assuming that she had been trying to tell Clark that she loved him). I love having you inside my head! I love that you're like a cricket on my shoulder!

She snorted with laughter. <Okay, maybe it wasn't the best simile in the world. I saw Pinocchio once too often as a kid. Cut me a little slack, why don't you?>
You can be my Pinocchio? Or I can be your Pinocchio? (Amazing how many ways there really are to say "I love you"...)

Smiling, she lifted her coffee cup to her lips to take a sip. Seconds later she spluttered, choking, as the icy cold liquid soured her mouth.

<Smooth, Lane, really smooth,> she thought disgustedly as she dabbed at the spots of stray liquid on her shirt collar. <And I can hear you laughing over there, Farmboy,> she added, treating him to another glare.

Grumbling silently under her breath, she glanced quickly around, then focused her eyes on the cup, frowning intently.

And then did it again.

And again.

And stopped.
What's she doing? Oh, yes! She used to have superpowers! She's trying to heat the coffee with her heat vision! But... she can't?

"I can't do the vision thingy," she hissed. "Just there. I can't do it. No heat. No steam. Not so much as a bubble!"

"Well... try something else then. Try to x-ray somebody here," he instructed, becoming more fearful now.

Unable to help herself, she quirked an eyebrow at him suggestively, grinning as his face flushed.

"Lois! Not *me*! And not ... like *that*! Just x-ray ... a bone or something!" he hissed, his cheeks now scarlet. She giggled.
Hmmmmm. You need to take him home with you and undress him more often, Lois, so he gets more comfortable with the idea of you looking at him naked. wink

Not that she was able to do the X-ray thingy, either. frown

<What does this mean?>

//I have no idea.// His eyes were dazed. //It's not like I have any past experiences to go by.//

<Could it be wearing off?> She frowned. <Could I be losing it? Could it be going away?>

//Maybe. I don't know. The efficiency of a large lightning bolt and the metal in a revolver to transmit superpowers into human beings is an area as of yet untouched by modern physics.//
The efficiency of a large lightning bolt and the metal in a revolver to transmit superpowers into human beings is an area as of yet untouched by modern physics... Sara, you're killing me!! clap
