Hey, Ann! Looks like it's just you and me this time.

Harry is an Asian with an afro. Kinda different, but at least he's not your usual run-of-the-mill stereotype Asian-computer-geek. And since I work as a computer programmer during the week, I completely understand your comment about how interesting it is to watch a computer geek at work. It's almost as interesting as watching the sidewalk dry off after a rainstorm.

Ooh, you're sneaky and suspicious about Lex, aren't you?

Nerdy? Yeah, since Rebecca's planning to be a marine biologist when she gets her doctorate. And thanks for liking my smart and versatile Lois. Teri Hatcher's character was always sharp, and I wanted to show Lois's intelligence working in an unfamiliar arena.

Did I understand the excerpt from the magazine? Sure! It sounds a lot like the chief engineer of the Enterprise explaining why the ship can't do what the captain is about to order him make it do.

The swirly was there for two main purposes: to show the Dangerous Boys (including Morgana and Rebecca) to be a little juvenile, but also to show that they are all very good friends. I don't plan on any more bathroom humor in the rest of the story. Sorry if anyone was grossed out.

You see Sam as a "tireless enabler?" I would have described him as a "faithful friend." Interesting point of view, that.

My apologies for being unclear. "J" is Rebecca's journal, in which she writes as if to a human being.

The dentition on that shark in the picture looks like a Hollywood cap job ready for its closeup. Are you ready, Mr. DeMille?

Next chapter up soon! (Hey, haven't I heard that before?)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing