Hey, Rac, welcome back! I know you're busy, but I still hope you can stay around for a while and play.

Ann is right. This is a difficult chapter. Things are getting tense between Clark and Lois. She's willing to share what happened to her, but he's not willing to share what happened to him. That's a recipie for disaster, and using sex to mask his pain will only hurt, not help.

Clark can't possibly forget all that he went through, even if he thinks Lois can't possibly understand. And the longer he waits, the bigger the explosion will be when he finally lets go. Maybe that's when Talan will come up in the conversation.

And maybe then we'll see just how "Ultra" Lois really is.

Hurry back with the next chapter, Rac! I like fireworks!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing