I have very little time, but I love that Lois and Clark were reunited!!! Or were they?

Suddenly Lois was in his lap, her arms wrapped tightly around him.
Awwwww!!!! I love it.

“And you're never going to leave me again, right?” Lois continued. Clark sat quietly. “Right?” She challenged.

Clark sighed, pushing her off his lap. “Please sit, Lois.”
What? He pushes her off his lap? And he won't answer her question with a 'yes'?

“I'm not here for the reasons you think.”
He is not there because he wants to marry her? Not because he wants to live with her? Not because he wants to be a father to his son?

eased it slowly. He raised his face to look her in the eye. “I'm not here for the reasons you think.” He said simply. “I came to ask you a huge favor.” Lois sat, listening to him silently. Receiving no comment, he continued. “I want to use the red kryptonite laser to transfer my powers to you.”

“What?!” Lois exclaimed.

“I can no longer be Superman, but this world needs a hero. I want to give you my powers so you can be UltraWoman again.”
Okay, okay... the idea has some merit, but why doesn't he let that matter rest for now, while he gets back to Lois and gets to know his son?

Lois' mind was working in overdrive. “So, the only reason you are here is to ask me to become UltraWoman. Not to see me or your parents? As soon as I agree and the transfer is made, which I still haven't said I would to do, you'll leave again? That's it?” Lois asked, enraged. “What about Jerome? You want him to continue to be raised without a father?”
You're right to be angry, Lois! Surely Clark must come to his senses soon?

Please come back soon and shake some sense into Clark, Clrqard!
