Believe me, I researched this on the internet pretty thoroughly. I couldn't find any state where a girl under 18 could get married without the signature of both parents -- unless one or both parents are dead or it's proven to a judge that she's pregnant -- and that was in 1984. In any case, I can see Lois's father refusing to sign, and Ellen as well -- unless she was drunk. I can't see either Lois or Clark trying to trick her into signing, either.

As for the other, she's well aware that if this gets out, Social Services will be on her mother's doorstep, checking on her situation and the whole mess with a drunken mother will come out. Then they'd either take Lucy away or hand her back to her father, and Lois hasn't got a very good opinion of how much attention her dad will take with Lucy. Anyway, that's her rationalization for the moment, and Clark knows better than to argue while Lois is in panic mode <g>

I'll just make a few little changes to make that clear. This is why I like my betas to be the readers. I get a lot more perspectives that way.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.