So I was bad and didn't get to part 4 on time, I read it, but between various things, I didn't have proper time to fdk. I like Lois surrounded by girlfriends. I feel that while we get to see a lot of Clark's suppport system we rarely get to see Lois get one outside of the people in the Planet, namely Perry and Jimmy (as far as I know). In any case, I think Cat is a fascinating character and too easily stereotyped so I like how you complicate her.

Because of that I absolutely loved the direction this is turning in. Poor Cat, forced to betray her friend and fearing for her loved ones. That sort of stuff rarely ends well. I mean I'm pulling for Cat (I'd be shocked if you off her actually), but I'm expecting that this will be a really rough patch for her. And Claude, he's still a cad, but I just hope Cat isn't taken by him. I like the vixen persona she had on the show. Not all women want monogamy and a relationship. I'm just hoping Claude gets a blazin' reality check when (*cross fingers*) she dumps his butt. Or when he realizes that she's using him.

But I dunno...chances are that being vulnerable she will turn to him and will develop feelings.


Your a-plot is marvelous. I can't wait for more. I'm being rambly and lame right now, but yeah.

smile alcyone

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan