She nodded. “Careful’s my middle name.”

He frowned. “Thought your middle name was Dangerous.”

She glanced at the scar on her hand and tried to defuse the memory by being flippant. “I’m a woman. I can change either my mind or my identity any time I want to.”
This would be hilarious if it weren't such a fragile, melancholy scene--okay, it's hilarious anyway.

I'm not sure I feel about how casual Clark has become about his big secret. He's obviously not up to snuff if he doesn't mind confirming guesswork.

Cat reached out and patted her hand. “We’ll work on the psyche later. Today is for your ego.”
Touche, Cat.

I like the way the story is progressing.

BTW, I'm so far out of pop culture that I don't even understand Luther references when I hear them. I could never win "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" since I wouldn't be able to answer the first four easy questions.
Which got me thinking, since you decided to treat Lana very differently than we are familiar with in LnCverse, maybe you were also going to portray Luthor more as Micheal Rosenbaum than John Shea.
Michael Rosenbaum? Who? huh

I am reminded of Alfred Borden in The Prestige.
Alfred Borden? The Prestige? huh
