Wow! I didn't ever think anything less than favorable about Clark. I knew that he had some issues with being afraid to tell Lois the truth and I am mad at him for waiting for ten years to tell her.

However, I can see where he was really more afraid than we ever knew. He'd been rejected by his best friend and his girlfriends.

I feel really bad for him but Lois has a right to feel the way she does too. I cannot what he should have done...or not...but allowing Lois to Lana's suggestion, no less...was the wrong answer. I cannot say that he should have just told her because another the love of his life, Lois Lane...I just don't know that his heart could have taken that.

In a sense, Lois did reject him, when Clark told her that he and Superman were one in the same and she banished him...away. She had no way of knowing anything except that he had hurt her, deeply. Lois had no idea that this was a redundance in his life of relationships. But at least he accepted Lois's reaction as anger and not rejection for him being who he was.

Thanks for the insight. But now, why did Clark collapse? Why does he have cuts on himself? Has the exhaustion compromised his invulnearability? Lois has to soften a little. There is a way to bring Clark back. There has to be. He's what 37...40 years old now? They need to correct this so that he and Lois can live happily ever after.

And bless Martha for taing the time to go and talk to Lois. I am confused as to how she got there, to Lois so quickly. Or maybe the time frame is confusing me.

Clark showing up exhausted and worn ought to account for something to Lois. It's as if he promised himself that he would make time for Lois no matter what.

Great job and I am desperately wanting more!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.