This is really getting good!! smile

“Used to be a demon bar,” Clem said. “They have to move fairly often. The wards have already faded on this one.”


“They didn’t bother with them much back in Sunnydale, but in a lot of places they hire a magician to make people ignore things…people see them, but don’t make the connection.”

“So if they saw you…”

“They’d remember a guy in a great shirt.”

Lois glanced at Clark remembering the other missing address. “You could find one of these other places for us?”

Clem shrugged. “Well…I’ve been having a bit of trouble finding a new place. All the free places have squatters, and the places with rent are crazy expensive.”

Glancing at Clark, Lois sighed. “We could pay you.”
Is there any chance that you will let Clem take them to Lorne's Place? PLEASE

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I'd love to see him read Lois--singing smile1 . I wonder what he would read if they get Clark up in front of the Mic. . .

More soon clap dance )

Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--