Hello everyone!!!

First, let me address everyone's chief concern - Lois not telling Martha about the sunlight. Remember that Clark asked Lois not to mention anything having to do with the Kryptonite or Dr. Klein to his parents. And she promised. She's already lost his trust once... I don't think she would risk it again flippantly. She's expecting to talk to him the next day. Not to mention, she's nervous about telling him that she talked to Dr. Klein again. Will he even be willing to listen to what she has to tell him?

She's in a dilemna here and is going to have to work through it the best way she can. She's already stepped over the line by taking the hair... but she reasons that Clark doesn't have to know about that (unless she tells him).

Okay - now on to fdk! <g>

Hi Terry! So glad to see you are still reading! Thanks for the fdk. For the purposes of this story, we'll pretend Clark's comb ripped a hair out by the root and it got stuck to his bottle of hair gel, how about that? <g> No, you don't sound like you're complaining! Please, keep me on my toes - I like it. <g> Thanks!

Lara! LOL!

Noooo! Not weirder. *Better* He should be staying with her and... you know, since there's only one bed, they can share. *lol* OK, so I'm jumping the gun a little bit....
I like one of your comments you made on another part... something about her tripping and falling beneath him on the bed. LOLS.

Much better than thrill rides at Six Flags!

But then, I'm sure there will be more of that in the future, won't there?
I don't know - you tell me... you've read the next 3 parts. <g> Thanks Lara!

Hi Sue!

<pat, pat>

Yes, I know. I've aggrevated the heck out of you with this story. Poor thing. Although, I did just send you part 10, which has the beginnings of some nice waff in it.

You captured that same essence so well in this part. <sniffle>
Awwww! Thank you so much!

Geez! Just standing in his bathroom is sexy - imagine if he were actually there...

We don't have much longer before they're back together and things heat up - right? Right?!?!
Like I said above... go read part 10. <g> Thanks Sue!!!

Hi Julie! Thanks so much for the fdk. Yes, don't worry, the sunlight hasn't been forgotten.

Hi Camy! Yes! Only one post. goofy Hee hee. So glad you enjoyed this part... especially the bathroom scene. <g> Yes, what is Clark going to think of that? Hmmm.... Thanks for the fdk Camy!

Hi Jackie! Thanks for the fdk. Yes, that pesky sunlight... don't worry.

Hi Anna!

I would not want to be there when she explains to Clark how Dr Klein has some of his DNA.

But I'll read about it!
<snort> Try writing it. <g> Hopefully I wrote it believeably. LOL - already begging for part 9? By Friday, I hope.... <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Laura S! Hee hee, you're cute.

I love the rapid fire questions... so Lois. I bet she whipped those out in about 2.5 seconds too, no pausing for breath.
Yay - I'm so glad you read it that way. That's the way it was supposed to be. <g>

Mmmm.... imagined waff is nearly just as good as the real thing.
Heh - just wait. wink

This is shaping up to be fantastic, though I didn't expect anything less! You're so talented!
blush Awwww, thank you Laura - my goodness... you're going to give Babbles a big head. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Sheila! Awwww... so much disappointment for you. I'm sorry. Hang in there... 2 more parts and you'll be into waff. I promise.

Now you either need to get Clark back to Metropolis or get Lois out to Smallville.
Yes, ma'am. One of those coming up very soon - but I won't say which one. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi ignoredsins!

I predict a huge blow-out fight before all of this gets resolved.
Hmmm... you know, you could be right... one just never knows. <g>

Something tells me that Clark's sickness is going to get worse before it gets better, but I hope my prediction is incorrect!
Now just how mean do you think I am? Hmmm? And I have promised a lot of waff coming up. angel-devil Thank you for the fdk! Glad you are enjoying it. <g>

Thanks again everyone! Part 9 should be out by Friday. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.