Yay part 2! smile This is what I love about catching up - I get more than one part right away. hehehe!

OMG! This is way, way too good!! I'm so loving this part! smile If I could actually move from where I'm sitting, I'd be on the edge of my seat (but that wouldn't be good for my back, so let's just say I'm on the edge of my seat in my head....)

How could the sun be shining while Clark lay inside a cold exam room in pain?
Brilliant!!! I absolutely love this. smile Stroke of genius, right there.

Seriously... great part! smile I was so completely pulled in, I didn't even think of making silly comments. *happy sigh* I love that - being pulled into a story like that. Yay!

Off I go to read part 3. laugh

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies