Meanie! Short, but very informative, and how dare you leave us drooling for more like that?

No wonder Lois was so furious! Clark thought that he couldn't be with Lois because he was Superman, and he thought she'd been disappointed with the non-super Clark, so he just up and left!

Even if the trip to Krypton had been a good idea (which, of course, it wasn't, especially in retrospect - it was more like he was running away from his probles than seeking his heritage), if he'd had a real relationship with Lois, he could have and should have told her what was going on and where he was going and why! Then she shoulc have dealt with the baby and waited for him to come back, because it seems that he left before she learned she was pregnant.

While it makes perfect sense if Kal-El is the center of the universe and the most important person who ever lived, he isn't so it doesn't!

No wonder Ann gets so mad about this situation! She's right!

But now they're back together, and if they can weather this storm and the sickness, they'll be that much stronger together. Assuming, of course, that Superman's powers come back. Interesting that the last sighting of Superman was at the refinery fire, and that everyone seems to be converging on the hospital where Jason is recovering.

I see a really, really interesting next chapter coming up.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing