Hopefully it's intense enough to make up for its length.
It sure did!! What a great part!!
For a tiny little moment, Lois almost felt sorry for him. Here he was, the strongest man on earth, yet for all his abilities, he was still just as fallible as anybody else. He made mistakes. He took wrong turns and made bad decisions. But as strange as it seemed for her to be standing there, in front of a very broken Superman, the anger won over the pity in a split second.
so well written, very sad, I can just picture Superman looking sad, ooow frown

Cheese of the month?
Clark did have a lot of ridiculous excuses didn't he? But I have to say that this one was always one my favs laugh

“You let me think you had been shot and killed,” she said slowly, grief pouring out of every word. “And I blamed myself for it. Did you know? I saw them drag your dead body away as I stood there, knowing that you’d still be alive if you hadn’t tried to protect me. I tortured myself over it and spent the next day desperately trying to figure out how I could possibly go on.” She stopped short of telling him that the worst part of it all wasn’t the guilt, it was the thought of having to go on without him that had been so impossible to get over. “Do you have any idea what that’s like at all? I proof-read your obituary!” she told him instead, almost choking on the last word.
I loved this part. So sad and sweet at the same time, I hated it that they never talked about the night Clark died in the show. A good thing there is fan fic! wink
"Just hold me, Clark. Hold me and never let go."
I loved this line!! Perfect ending of this part, so sweet!

"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet