I just finished 'Smallville Style' so I had to read the next bit. I had trouble finding the first chapter of 'Love Survives'. I did a search and (three times) still was unsuccesfful so I had to estimate the date and seach page by page. I was so worried I wouldn't be able to find it!

Smallville Style was written mainly from Lois' POV and I'm trying to write this from Clark's.

“Actually, I won't. Because A, I am a lawyer. And B, this is no joke. I'll even give you the name of the person who's going to die. I think you know her... Lois Lane?”
In 'Smallville Style' Ms. Cox at one point called Lois, Lois Lane. Mr. Snell did here too. I thought Lois considered herself Lois Lane-Kent professionally as well? Perhaps I missed something.

“Why, Superman, we just want you to be the best Superman you can be. Street crime? Wipe it out. Terrorists? Kick their butts. Carjackers? Hey, I drive a Ferrari. I’d be very happy for you to put a stop to such a heinous crime. But stay out of the Southside. No matter what happens, we see you there and the next bullet won’t be filled with paint.” Snell straightened his suit and walked away whistling.
I like how he presented his no decision offer, but man do I dislike Snell!

“I just keep thinking you’re going to see that she is everything I’m not and you’ll change you mind about us. After wanting this for so long, I guess I just can’t. . . *trust* that it is real.”

Clark sometimes forgot the damage Sam Lane’s irresponsible behavior had wreaked on Lois. “Lois, *you* are professional, successful, and smart, and you are the only woman I’m interested in. Okay?”
It's awesome that he's so understanding.

She nodded. Suddenly the look on her face changed. “Did you just call me honey?”

Clark felt a smirk twist his lips, “Did I?”
EEEK! Sweet but are they not afraid of the office finding out?

So, Lois was right. Well, of course she was. “Sure, Mayson. Let me just get Lois and we can go.”

“Um, Clark, I meant you and me.”

“Mayson, Lois and I are dating.”


“You seem like a great person-“

“Don’t worry about it, Clark.”

“So, are we still going to lunch?”

“Why not? Hey, you don’t have a brother, do you?”

Clark laughed as he ushered Mayson out of the conference room. “Sorry, no.”

“Rats. Some girls have all the luck.”
I'm glad Clark made this an easy open and closed case.

“Lois, I don’t think that you should be alone tonight.”

“Clark, I'm a professional reporter. This isn't the first threat I've ever received.”

“Still, I’d feel a lot better if you stayed with me, or if I stayed over at your place until this blows over.”

“Right, you and Lana-“
AHHHH! Lois give it up about Lana. YOU have Clark you lucky girl!

“And I can lay my head on your shoulder?” She laid her hand over his.


“And we can kiss at the good parts?”

She was looking up at him with her puppy dog eyes and drawing circles on the back of his hand. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? He slid his hand out from under hers and ran his finger under his collar that was suddenly too tight. “Yes.”

She stood up suddenly and pulled the strap of her satchel of the back of her chair onto her shoulder. “Do I get to pick the movie?”

“What?” Clark was confused at the abrupt change in her behavior.

“ *Do* I *get* to pick the movie?” she persisted.

Clark shrugged. What was she up to? “That’s fine with me.”

“Good.” She gave that playful little giggle that drove him crazy, and not in the insane kind of way.

“Why is that a good thing?”

“I’m going to the video store right now to figure out which movie has the most kiss worthy scenes in it!” She swung around and walked away from him with an exaggerated sway to her hips.

More than his collar was feeling tight. “Lois. . .” he groaned.
Such a cute part!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.