Over at BlueTights it's half the Daily Planet staff and a couple villains from L&C. Over here it's dorky Clark, Richard, and Lois from SR. evil

Actually - the rules here require that there be a strong L&CtNAoS presence in the story. The way this one was originally plotted that wasn't going to happen - but that's fine. The new plot line actually works better. My earlier comment referred to a story (not one of mine) where the author simply added Tempus or Wells at the end to make it legit. Lois, Clark, and Baby Martha are not just there to make it legit.

The two universes have different feels for me. SR is gritty, like a Tom Clancy or WEB Griffin novel. L&C is softer, brighter, more romantic, more fantasy - kind of like a romance novel. And despite everything, the L&C Lois and Clark are a lot more together on their worst days than the Movieverse versions (any of them).
It's going to be an interesting ride for them.

Big Apricot Superman Movieverse
The World of Lois & Clark
Richard White to Lois Lane: Lois, Superman is afraid of you. What chance has Clark Kent got? - After the Storm