Ack!! grumble An officious officer, hotels without a room to spare, an insisitent neighbor who will not be ignored, and, of all things, a telemarketer soliciting suscriptions to the Metropolis Star! My you do love to torture our favorite intrepid reporters don't you?

But then, of course, you make everything better with a beautiful tropical paradise:

With that warning, he lit the remaining lanterns, revealing a small structure, much like a square gazebo, complete with roof. On one side was a wall made entirely of logs with the exception of a stone fireplace built into the center. On the remaining three sides were wooden railings. Mosquito netting had been draped decorously over the exposed sides.

She pushed the netting aside and stepped inside, a smile lighting up her face. A large bed was set up, complete with overstuffed pillows and red satin sheets. There was also a table and chairs and a large spread of food.
You just couldn't resist including some interior decorating could you. I notice there seems to be no paint or marble floors though. I guess Clark will have to get to that later. wink

“It’s not finished yet, but this was the best I could do in the limited time I had.”

“It’s wonderful, Clark,”
This reminds me of one of my favorite gags from the first and third Back to the Future Movies:
Dr. Emmett Brown: Please excuse the crudity of this model, I didn't have time to build it to scale or to paint it. [reveals intricate tabletop model of the town square]
Marty McFly: [impressed] It's good.

And on that note:
Please excuse the crudity of this review. This was the best I could do in the limited time I had. (It's past my bedtime, so I don't have time to polish it up and make it cohesive.)

C Noetal(who is equal parts happy that you decided to share your hillarious alternate ending and that said alternate ending remains alternate.)