You have definitely caught my interest.

I love how Lois and Lucy seem to be so different, even though they both come from the same home. It's clear that Lois is shielding Lucy as much as possible. I'm really curious to see how such an independent Lois will react to "being taken care of" instead of doing all the caregiving herself.

I have a funny feeling that Clark may not be able to keep his secret under wraps the whole summer. After all, we all know how just nosy Lois Lane is... goofy

Alisha laughingly told her dad that she was never coming home again if he didn’t stop asking her to bring him son-in-law. Well, then again. Maybe they weren’t so nice. Don George had a great daughter yet he still wanted a son. Just like her dad.
This struck me. Lois doesn't understand that wanting a son-in-law is not at all the same as wanting a son.

Just be patient
No, sorry. I'm not feeling very patient. I want more now! wink

the rest of the story gets better!
Really? Wow. It's already quite good...

~C Noetal (impatiently waiting for more wildguy )