Wow, SQD! That was a good finish to the story. You wrapped up everything nicely, except for the actual return of Superman, but it wasn't necessary for the story. Very powerful, both the capture of Luthor and the final wedding scene. thumbsup

Lois rose from the chair and made her way to the bed. "Bad dream?"

"It was, but my heroine saved the day." He smiled and leaned forward to kiss her lips.
She saves him, even in his dreams.

"I told Clarry we'd get a haircut when we brought Luthor down. I need to shave and get a new pair of glasses. No one will believe Clark's really back unless I look the part."
On Tank's behalf, I find it unfair everybody's getting a haircut except for Lois. wink

One such person he'd lived to control was Travis Devon. He couldn't contain a snide smile as he thought of that one. That had been one of his major triumphs and the old man hadn't even known what he had done to him.
I'm glad you filled us in on what Luthor had done to Travis Devon. This was truly hyper

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin