I love the B-plot feeling of this! laugh (I'm hopeless, aren't I?)

Martha Kent knocked on the wall before entering the room. "Lois's bed is all made up. You can have the couch, Clark -- unless...?" She looked hopefully at them. Lois and Clark looked at each other for a moment and simultaneously burst into laughter.

"We're not," Lois said between sputters, "unless you count huddling up to each other to keep warm at night in the mountains."

Martha laughed. "Oh well, six months isn't so long. You know where to find the blankets, Clark."

Clark could tell he was scarlet. "Mom, you're incorrigible!"

"Well, a mother can hope," Martha said, sending Lois into another fit of giggles.
Adorable!!!! smile1 I'm with Martha, which should come as no surprise! But I suspect that you are not, Nan, and I feel pretty certain that Clark isn't going to listen to his mother's advice this time.... wink

"*Did* you ever give a girl a hickey?"

He grinned. "No. It always seemed kind of mean to me -- sort of like a guy was trying to put his brand on a girl.
But while I wish that Clark was a little more forward in his relationship with Lois, I so approve of him for not giving girls (or women) hickeys! razz

Ah well, there you are, Nan - I'm all wrapped up in the B-plot. This first chapter of your story was very enjoyable, and I hope to see some developments on the B-plot front!
