But Lois was no longer listening because as she and Clark stepped into the newsroom, she saw Dan and Mayson, both looking like kids who had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, jump apart slightly when they saw her and Clark.

Mayson Drake. She was alive. Lois supposed that was the good news. And if Mayson and Dan were... nah. That was crazy.
Ha ha! I knew it! Don't worry, Lois! This is a good thing. Now the Salutatorian of the 89th graduating class of the Prestigious School of Interior Design can decide to update the Century Old Headquarters in the most cutting edge styles of the day, no doubt with the help of a coin toss.
Oh, and I guess it's good too that Dan and Mayson can live happily ever after without overly interferring with your relationship to Clark.

Okay, so maybe I'm still a little hung up on the paint color thing... blush

She grabbed onto the banister as the world around her began to fade. She let out a breath of relief. Anywhere would be better than here.
Oh, Lois, Lois, Lois. /me shakes head sadly. Surely you know ML better than to think that a somewhat fun but awkward date with Dan Scardino is the worst thing that she can throw at you. For example, remember Lex? Or how about Deter? And of course, there's always those pesky New Kryptonians...

"Well!” William asked when Andrus returned. “Do we know what’s causing this?”

“Not exactly,” Andrus said, looking around at the council nervously.

“What does ‘not exactly’ mean?” Laddy demanded. “Do you know or don’t you?”

“It means... Well, we know that Tempus is still in his cozy jail cell - acting as sarcastic as ever. We questioned him, but... I’m afraid the art of interrogation has been lost over the years. He seemed to enjoy giving us vague and often contradictory answers. And we can’t know for sure if he didn’t...” Andrus’ voice trailed off and he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Our time watchers think that he might have done this in the past - before we caught him - and that this is only catching up with us now. Or that it’s something he will do in the future and...”
wallbash I'm telling you. Herb is outside the door fiddling with the Soul Tracker. If you would just confiscate the thing from him, this whole unpleasant (but highly entertaining!) episode would come to a nice, clean ending.

I can't wait to see how Clark handles TOGOM. There are so many intriguing pitfalls to be navigated there.
