Yay! We got to see some of the immediate aftermath of Lois and Clark mucking around with their history! Those poor teenagers must be so confused. I can just see the conversation between Lana and Clark.

"Clark, I can't believe you just went off with that girl, when you were supposed to be here with me!"

"Girl, what girl? You mean she was real?!"

We still don't know the long term effects of this encounter, though. Now, those could definitely be interesting.

As for Lois on a date with Dan, all she should have to do now is point him in the direction of Mayson, right?

I think I finally figured out what's causing these jumps. Way back in Part 1, you wrote:
Herbert George Wells sat nervously in the hallway, waiting to be summoned in front of the council. As he waited, he absently fiddled with his soul tracker.
Clearly, Herb is accidentally sending them jumping all over the place because he's not paying attention to what he's doing! laugh

No? Well, that's my theory until you tell me otherwise. wink

Have they left him out in the hallway all this time? Poor Herb must be so bored.