Okay, I think the gentle readers can see here that despite my unwarranted reputation it's really Wendy who is the evil one in this partnership. This story is a perfect example. Jimmy Olsen! as a Hero! Are you kidding me?

I don't know how many of the gentle readers are coversant with what's going on in the comic books currently, but DC has a really cool situation coming up. As soon as their current weekly title "52" wraps up they are going to come out with a new weekly title called "Countdown". One of the teaser ads they've been using for this (and my all-time favorite one) has been the tagline "Jimmy Olsen Must Die!". Sounds great to me.

When I was at the New York Con many of the DC guys were wearing the Jimmy Olsen Must Die T-shirts. When I tried to buy one the suppler was out of my size (Grrrrrrr).

Anyway, back to the story; have I mentioned that Wendy is really the evil one?

I'll be posting my conclusion to this challenge tomorrow morning. I'll follow it up a day or two later with the first part of the other challenge story, then let Wendy add her conclusion to that one.

Tank (who never actually killed off Jimmy in any story but had let Ralph beat the snot out of him)