I love this story! (And just to prove how much, I'm finally inspired to break a six and a half year lurk fest to let you know! blush Why is that first post always the hardest?... huh )

Very few stories I have read (and boy have I read A LOT of stories) are able to adequately portray a young child who is both intelligent and touching without making him either talk in complex sentences like an adult or babble in baby talk like a toddler. You definately nailed the seven-year-old Luke, though. As everyone else, I absolutely loved when Luke smartly informs the clueless adult that the Power Rangers aren't real. I swear I've seen version of conversations play out between adults and children dozens of times. (And I crack up every time they put the humoring adult in their place!)

For such a short story, you have very adroitly created and developed a character that I have completely fallen in love with. I really hope you will write more of Luke. He's too charming and engaging to end his short little life flying back to Grandma's house.

Please more! grovel