Thanks, everyone! smile

Sherry, glad you liked the revelation. I worked hard on that puppy... For a long time, my notes at that stage said "Lois somehow figures it out" and I had no idea how I was going to do it <g>

Blayne, count your blessings wink I could be posting on a once-a-week schedule! goofy

Thanks, Liz! I figured this Lois had less reason to be angry than most -- she's known Clark less than two months, probably, and for half of that time she's known he was hiding *something.* So it's not such a shock on that level. She also knew that Clark had intended to tell her about himself, which helped.

Aww, thanks, Alicia! Yeah, something like this would have been fun on the show, but what the heck -- the beauty of fanfic is that we get to see this moment over and over and over, in as many different ways as we like!

Sorry to make you dive for the oxygen, Karen <g>

Now, after the adrenaline runs out, will the scary words still be said?
That's a very good question, Anne!

Maria, glad you enjoyed the way I kept poor Clark off-balance <g> It's just that I think he's utterly adorable when he's bewildered. smile

Thanks, Irene smile Now where's the next part of New Heights??

Aww, Jen, you could have repeated what everyone else said -- I never get tired of good comments wink But what you did say was pretty good, too -- thanks!

Wendy! Sorry you'll have to wait... but really it's all your own fault, for being on holiday away from net access in the first place! <g> Anyway, I am very glad you're enjoying this, because if it weren't for you and your relentless nagging, it might never have been written.

Love your new avatar, Nan! And I think my posting schedule (such as it was) was pretty darned good, thank you very much <g> I might have posted part 5 earlier, actually, except I got caught up in re-reading the Home series -- and that takes a lot of time.

Oh, I'm glad you liked that line, Caroline! smile

Merry, thanks!

Tank... well... you may be just a teensy-weensy bit disappointed... but hang in there -- you never know what might happen in the next story!

Thanks, Barb. That revelation scene underwent a few changes along the way, but I do like how it ended up.

Laura, I aim to please.

And since I was a lazy author and didn't reply to comments before now, part 5 has been up for hours... thanks to everyone, for sticking with me.


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K