Hello everyone!

Maria, thank you for the fdk. Yes, there are more questions right now than there are answers, aren't there? And yes, thank goodness she left a note!

Hi Babsi!

[Whinging] Why isn't she able to remeber Clark's proposal? [Whinging]
Ummm, don't you remember? I know you commented on part 19 - so I know you've read it... Lois's memory regressed back to the night that Mayson died? She doesn't remember anything for the last 6 months.

Don't you remember...?

Oh no! Babsi! They got to you too! Don't take any more of the pretty yellow pills!!! Don't do it! <hee hee>

And while Clark is blaming himself for not being there - he really shouldn't be - remember he was in Japan, assisting with the earthquake. He couldn't really help not being there. <pats Clark>

Hee hee! Glad you enjoyed that cliffhanger... err... maybe "enjoyed" is the wrong word. <g> Thanks Babsi!

Hi Ambar! Thank you for that fdk. I'm sorry you weren't having a good day, and glad this could brighten it a little. <g> You just never know who's going to turn out being guilty. wink

Hi Lisa! Hah - I'm surprised you forgot the message. <g> Ha ha! I love that you are so willing to ask about Dr. Klein and yet so willing to answer your own question (that I'm not gonna tell you <g>) Man! I went from just being evil to being "mean" - is that a downgrade or an upgrade? goofy Thanks Lisa!

Hi Ann!
What a lovely way of writing Jimmy! [Sloppy]
Thank you. I thought Jimmy deserved his time in the sun. He deserved to shine a little. <g> Glad you enjoyed that. He really is a good kid at heart...

But... yes, you should have stayed with Lois last night, Clark. And you should have stayed with her tonight. Why didn't you? *sings: When will they ever learn? When will they e-e-ever learn?*
Oh but Ann, did you forget? Clark was over in Japan, saving all those people from the earthquake... surely you didn't expect him to let them die, just so he could spend the night with Lois --- did you? <me pats Clark - poor guy, already feels bad enough...>

Heh - you'd better get used to those cliffhangers Ann... there's going to be more of them.


We are getting close to the end, you know, would you expect any different? Thanks Ann!

Hi Elisabeth!

I must admit that I'm a bit freaked that Clark is leaving his apartment without the ability to shut his door. It's probably true to his character, but it would leave me on edge.
If it makes you feel any better, Clark jammed some furniture up against his busted door before he and Henderson went out the other door. :p

Thanks for the comments! <g>

Hi Jen!

Ooooh, it was evil enough to make you put down your beer? WOW! <g> LOVE all the questions... yes... RAFO! <g> And <snort> at Lois growing out her hair. Thanks Jen!

Hi BJ!

Don't be too hard on Clark, he only left Lois to assist with an earthquake in Japan. *Only* a life threatening situation could pull him away from her after she put on that ring. A ring that she's still wearing, BTW. [Big Grin]
Yes, thank you for pointing that out! I was afraid everyone had forgotten. <g>

Like I told Ann, sorry to be mean (well, not really) but you'd better get used to those cliffhangers as we near the end. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Hasini! Ooooh! I graduated! <looks around for cap and scroll but doesn't see them> What?! What do you mean I can't graduate until the story is completed?! <pouts>

Woo-hoo - lengthier fdk later -
<hits refresh> ...
<waits a few seconds>...
<hits refresh again>...

I guess you meant later later. <g>

Yes - you were right, you were right, she was bugged <snort> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Symbolic!

It's about time that Jimmy interrupts when we want him to!
You know, somehow I just knew everyone would appreciate that. <g>

LOL at your silliness. <g> Thanks for the fdk and glad you enjoyed the cliffhanger. laugh

Hi Doublel! Ha ha ha!

A good angst chapter? That's what you think we need.... um.... done. <wink> Just wait for it... Thanks!

Hi Lara! <me cries that Lara was stuck in a meeting that apparently lasted all day> goofy I hope you finally found some time to read it. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Jackie! Hee hee - thanks for the fdk!

Thank you everyone! See you soon!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.