Interesting feedback. Yes, Clark is old-fashioned - he's an ex-farmboy! Plus, he defines himself as the world's protector...and who does he want to protect the most? The woman he loves, of course. And this Lois...she's fiercely independent, but since she's never had love in her life before, she's a bit mushier than "our" Lois....finds it flattering that someone wants to take care of her, even though she still has a mind of her own.

I am going to try to wrap this up in two more installments. This weekend my work is going through a core computer conversion so I may not get much writing done..I'm on call (the part about management that's not so great).

I'm going to try to delight and amaze you in the ending to this story...that's my goal. I will trust that I will able to tell if I succeeded by your feedback, which I greatly appreciate!


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"