Superman handles the crowds, the criminals, the speeches, etc. except that away from prying eyes Clark can do stuff like open locked doors and cause earthquakes.
I love how you have completely compartmentalized our favorite Kryptonian from Smallville, so that Clark and Superman really, really are two completely different individuals. What I love most of all is hearing Clark and Superman talk to each other inside Clark's head. You crack me up every time you make it clear that Clark loves Lois, but Superman is totally mystified by this attraction. How perfect! It is in character with what we saw in LnC, and it couldn't be more right when you think of how the Clark-Lois-Superman love triangle has traditionally been described: Clark loves Lois, who loves Superman, who is not interested in Lois. Of course, in the original love triangle, Clark and Superman are the same man - well, they are not the same in your story!

As I've said before, it is possible to read your story in two ways - like a crazy comedy, or as a tragicomical study (more tragic than comical) of how a man finally cracks under the strain of trying to live a highly visible and public double life and trying to keep his two personas totally separate the whole time.

I just love this story.
