I've just read That Charming Smallville Hospitality on the archive, and may I say that I absolutely love it. I found this story late last night, and I was so hooked that I've already finished it before lunch today.
I am really glad to see that I'm not the only one that disagreed with the last line. I'm so curious to see what happens next. For example, does Clark manage to get a job at the planet after walking out on his interview with Perry? How does Lois manage her hangups about office romances, given that she apparently still suffered from the attention of both Paul and Claude? And since Lois is "in the know", just how does the idea of Superman emerge?

As you can see, I am ravenous for more. (Or maybe that's just my stomach growling for lunch... ) Is there any hope of a sequel in the works?

Thanks for a very enjoyable night's read. I blame you for the fact that I am now both hungry and sleepy. wink

~C Noetal (who, among other things, is wondering just how Clark fit that massive lion into his suitcase... goofy )