Hi guys! Thanks for the feedback. smile

Okay, honesty: Like I've said, I do not usually write A-plots. Or just plain *plots*, for that matter. My last attempt at drama was...either hilarious or depressing, depending on how you look at it.

One lesson that I seem to be constantly learning---and forgetting---is "do not start writing/posting unless you know where you're going!" I have a vague sitiuation of an idea, but I'm not yet sure if it constitutes a linear plot. We'll have to see. Part two *is* in the works, have no fear (or have fear, depending on how you look at it...), but it may be a while.

This idea is actually a *splicing* of two fic ideas I've had. As a result, things are a little muddled. I think I'm starting to get oriented, though. Like I said, we'll all have to see.

In the meantime, I could use a lot of help and pointers: From people who know A-Plot and can give me tips; From people who *don't* know plot but know what they want to see at some point in this story. I guess that'll be easier once part 2 is up and y'all can see where the train is going.

In the meantime, good night, and here's hoping it's a fun trip! laugh
