Who the heck is Herbie?

H.G. Wells, I'm thinking.
Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was a referance to Lovebug. I wasn't sure what that had to do with Lois's pink VW, but...

The moonlight played over her features, and Clark found himself trying to memorize them.
With his memory, there's no way he will forget her, regardless of whether or not this is a one-time meeting.

The others laughed good-naturedly at that. They started calling out the names of songs from Lois’s childhood- songs by the Eurythmics, the Police, Elton John, the Funkmasters…and from bands Lois barely even remembered.

“Why not let the new girl pick?” Lana called out. “She probably knows all sorts of big city music we haven’t heard yet.”
Which is, of course, the perfect explanation for why Lois knows a song the rest of them don't. wink

He’d always been there for her when the times were at there worst. He’d been the first dependable man she’d ever had in her life, with the exception of her uncle- and unlike her uncle, Clark hadn’t HAD to love her.
Lois feels like an outcast, the same as Clark has always felt like he didn't quite belong.

Not sure what to think of the ending. Curiouser and curiouser. It certainly takes the story around a different corner.
