Hi Nancy, razz well locked up and the keys thrown away after all that kyrptonite is removed from his legs!

Poor Los, I wish him a speedy recovery.

Poor J'on, he needs our love too helping Los and taking his pain.

I love the interaction between Clark, Lara and Jama and Clark teaching them how to cope and to erect and dismantle some barriers. Jama is the quiet one as we've not heard too much about her, but I can read through the lines that she is one of the great thinkers and will help the family in different ways too,

The cliffhanger with David Masters is brilliant. I can't wait for the next post to see how this one pans out.

The plans for Caitlyn's family reunion seem to be getting even more exciting and I'm looking forward to hearing about this too.

In an earlier episode, you have touched on the fact that J'on wants a meeting of the JLA. Will we be seeing this soon?

Looking forward to Part 46!

wave wave