Oh, I am such a fan of your writing! This was wonderful smile

Well, she did have a dead battery. But it was the kind of thing he’d have said if it was a genuine battery death, rather than murder. Battricide. Whatever.

The Baby Bumblebee song. That ought to do it. If she even let herself *think* about that song, the tune would be stuck in her head for hours.
ARGH! Now, why did you have to go and do that to me?

*fights back with "Henry the Eighth"*

His arms remained tightly around her. “No,” he repeated, his voice deeper and firmer than usual. It was a more commanding tone than she’d ever heard him use, and yet, somehow it was strangely familiar. “I finally have you where I want you, and –“
*sigh* I'm fluttering here...

Lovely, lovely, lovely! You give us a sweet, sympathetic first-season Lois, and yet one who isn't out of character. Her many tests are very believable, and when she got the migraine I couldn't help but think of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. But even then, Clark doesn't let her down.

I liked that in the end, she made the connection between Clark and Superman on her own. I liked everything about it, really. I see myself returning to this one when I need a pick-me-up one day, so thank you! smile
