
One of things I always like about your writing, Nan, is the sense you give the reader of setting. Am hearing the surf as I write this. smile

That's some headache/hangover laugh

“No,” she grumbled. “And keep your voice down.”

Since he had spoken at a level barely above a whisper,

“I kissed you at the airport. I must have picked up a little of the pheromone from you. The last thing I remember clearly was leaving the newsroom, intending to go to your place.”

Double uh-oh.

But she’d told Superman that she loved him *and* Clark. Would that hold, now that the pheromone was wearing off?
That's our Clark - always doubting smile

And so is Lois! Angst, Nan! - not sure I can handle that. laugh
Ah, but they're pulling back and being a bit more reasonable. Reaching for the aspirin.

And now for a bit of hooky- very reasonable decision. uh.. hope Clark won't have his shirt on in the next part either.
