Well, it's Monday, so that surely means that it is time for me to catch up on my 'correspondence' and then post the next part...

Pam: I'd love to tell you that you are right on all counts, but that would ruin the story!

Maria: Mrs Cox was one of the people (the other being Jules Johnson) about whom Lois and CJ could find no recent information. They know they existed, but they couldn't find any current information about them; they were / are wondering whether or not they were dead.

A trip to Bolivia, eh? Now why would they want to go there? (Coming up soon.)

Nan: I'll leave it up to you to decide if CJ is a weasle or not. wink

Gerry: you're right. They need more evidence. Will they get it? huh

LabRat: no problem. Hey, I never seem to read anything so I can't talk.

And they had an honest conversation *again*. You're scary, woman! Wendy and the other members of AA (Angst Anonymous) will ride you out of town on a rail if you aren't careful.
This, actually, is one of the areas about which I feel least secure with regard to the story. There really is remarkably little relationship angst in it, so I hope I'm being scary in a good way here!

It's also one reason why I end up thinking about this in terms of a A-plot driven story. What problems CJ and Lois have mostly seem to stem from that.

You gave us a great glimpse into CJ's mind with his struggle at making a deliberate appearance. Go ahead, CJ. Jump. The water's just fine.
You tell him Hazel. He needs a lot more convincing!

Tricia, Merry: thanks for posting too.
