Terry, have I told you how much I love this story?

Well, I do. Loads and loads. The pacing, your characters, the exchanges — the tension and the intricacies are building with every chapter you post.

In an earlier comment, I think someone said you make it difficult for us to dislike Jack Reisman. Well, you do. I appreciate how you show us more and more of his character in small but touching ways. The scene with Mel, in particular:
“I – your jacket’s all wet.”

He grinned and lifted her chin with one finger. “It’ll dry.”
*loves* (If only my older brothers were this nice ... )

And Lois' testimony was riveting! She handled the Clark/Superman issue beautifully, and her account of Mayson's death left a lump in my throat.

And this?

Why had Superman not acknowledged her message? Was he that concerned with others hearing her? And why hadn’t he looked at her while she testified? She certainly could’ve used the support. She needed to see his eyes, to feel his love for her, to know that he was there for her.

Because she was there for him, no matter what.
So wonderfully written, but ack! Terry, I'm an angst masochist, but even *my* heart constricted when I read this! You've got to post again soon. Pretty please? smile1

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien