Thanks to all who've read, and double thanks to all who've commented!

Mrs. Mosley, I hope the increased tension doesn't get too tough for you. The trial portion to come still gives me the willies sometimes.

Ann, your thoughtful feedback is always appreciated. And with your "for better or worse" comment, you've once again pointed out something that I didn't think about when I wrote it. Maybe it's because I tend to focus on the action (A-plot) while you're an affecionado of the romantic aspects (B-plot). Thanks for your sharp eye and insightful comments.

And, as a tiny spoiler, I can assure you that Lois will not lie on the witness stand.

G., glad you're reading! And I wonder why you're assuming that Superman will get off? If you've read some of my other stories, you'll know that I don't always take the predictable path.

Mind you, the statements above should not be construed as any kind of spoiler.

This time.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing