You are really putting them in the most terrible circumstances: Lois have to marry Lex - or else...

However, Luthor is very vain like evil men usually are - I believe therein lies the means to save Clark.

This was great:

because no one would ever put up with her –all of her- the way he did. Because no one would be there for her whenever she needed them, even if it was for the most trivial of issues.

And it hit her. Clark had been there for her, unconditionally, whether he’d been wearing one of his wild ties or that spandex suit of his; it was always his concern for her well being that surfaced. How could she not have noticed? How could all the outstanding qualities she’d seen in Superman have looked so dull? Or had they? Because it really wasn’t that she’d never realized how gentle Clark was, how compassionate. <<No, Clark’s so much more than that, >> she thought. <<He’s generous, caring...>> Sorrowfully, she realized that no one could ever offer the kind of love Clark had; no one would ever love her like he did SHE would never love anyone then way she loved him.
