Crystal, I love the way your vignette turned out almost like a laundry list of reasons why Lois Lane loves Clark Kent. It has something to do with the alphabet, too:

A: -

B: He is her best friend.

C: She loves his character.

D: He is dependable.

E: -

F: -

G: -

H: -

I: He is intelligent.

J: -

K: He is kind.

L: She loves him.

M: He makes sense.

N: He is near-sighted.

O: He is ordinary.

P: He is her partner.

Q: -

R: -

S: He has a lovely smile.

T: He is thoughtful.

U: She loves his unfortunate taste in neckwear.

V: -

W: She loves his wit.

X: -

Y: -

Z: -

Well, Crystal, giving us fourteen alphabet-reasons out of twenty-six possible ones for why Lois loves Clark Kent in a vignette comprising fourteen lines and, I think, a hundred and twenty-one words - that must mean, surely, that the universe itself has decreed that Lois and Lane and Clark Kent are two halves destined to come together and make a perfect whole (in one). smile clap
