I’m surprised you’d even ask me that.
Actually, I am suprised too. Doesn't seem like a CK type of question. Or a Daily Planet type, either. I keep having to remind myself that this is a different Clark Kent. Or maybe it was just a message for Lois. smile

“No, Jack. In this case, what’s sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose. Either or both of you may use any or all of the tape in presenting your case.”
Good judge.

“Any statements from the harbor master?”

Dead silence greeted her. She put her hands on her hips and turned as she said, “Then I suggest somebody make a phone call!"
This reminded me of a line from Up Close & Personal when Robert Redford says, "I called the harbor master. That's what reporters do."

“Report the story!” His face was molten with anger. “They nearly got themselves very dead reporting this story! And they almost killed at least three dozen other people! If I’d been distracted and dropped that ship you’d be screaming for my head on a pike right now for letting those people die! And it would have been some stupid reporter’s fault! Don’t you know when to back off? Don’t you know that bothering me or a police officer or a firefighter in the middle of an emergency is a recipe for disaster?” He brushed more water out of his hair. “What’s wrong with you? Do you care more about the story than people’s lives?”

“No, of course not – “

“I don’t believe you! From now on you stay out of my way when people are in danger! And if you don’t stay away and people get killed I’ll make you attend their funerals myself!”
ohhh boy. He is absolutely right but he is going to get a lot of flack for this.

“Fine. But don’t tell me, tell him. And if my respect means anything to you, do it soon.”
Ron's certainly got nerve.

And she even managed to clean up the print room supervisor’s kittens.

He’s not the same man I fell in love with.
No, he's not. This man is moody, very intense and under a lot of stress. Can Lois accept that?

Good chapter!

lisa in the sky with diamonds