Shades of the Pretender! Clark's on the run for five years? And you don't tell us why? What has Clark been doing for the past five years? Did the government try to stick him in a lab and dissect him like a frog? And now Jack somebody has the case, and Clark not only knows who's chasing him but taunts him in broad daylight?

And Ooh! Ooh! Where does Lois come in? Is she with Clark, or (I strongly suspect) going to take part in the investigation? Will she helpt to bring him in or join him on the run?

And Jack has family troubles! How will his wife and son figure in the story? Oh, this is so multi-layered already! I like it, I really like it!

I don't know if the title is good or bad, but the premise has me hooked! I hope your end-of-semester pressures don't completely overwhelm you, because this is off to a very good start. Too short, of course, but then it's the prologue. Will you give us the backstory right away or let it out in little dribs and drabs? Will we get a chance to look at the dossier on Clark that Jack has on his desk, or will we hear bits and pieces as we go along?

Looks like this promises to be an interesting trip, no matter what route we take.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing