Oh, what a revelation! When Clark loses his sight he becomes more - well, more vulnerable, more cut off from the world, more in need of concentrating on himself and therefore more him - and so the boundaries between Superman and Clark start coming down. And Lois sees the truth of the man underneath the gaudy spandex and behind the superhero's stern façade. She realizes that she loves the real man more than the hero, and it's the real man that makes the hero so amazing. It's lovely.

I'm rather seriously LNC:TNSAOS-challenged, so I never know when something is taken directly from the show. But in any case, I love this:

A split second’s thought was enough for him to realize that spending the weekend with Mayson must have been what he’d hastily agreed to earlier, never mind that he hadn’t actually heard what Mayson had been asking in his preoccupation with listening to Lois’s phone conversation. Idiot! He should know better than to agree to something when he had no idea what it was, but in that moment of needing to get away, agreeing had just seemed the easiest option, besides which he just had it ingrained in him to be courteous to women and when in doubt, he figured agreeing was always the safest policy. More fool him.
Talk about being in love and trying to protect a secret identity at the same time and really, royally botching it. Clark had apparently agreed to spending the weekend with Mayson, but he didn't know about it himself, because he had been so busy listening to Lois and trying to get away to make a rescue that he didn't know what he was agreeing to!!!

Very good start! I'm looking forward to more.
