Wow - I think this might be the first time that I've ever started a FDK folder! I'm shocked, amazed, and truly honored to have the opportunity smile

I've been reading and absolutley loving the premise and the exposition of this story since the beginning - and now that l&c are together and (dare we hope) past the lions' share of the angst? - I'm continuing to enjoy the WAFF-fest!

You've written this scene so well - everyone in the room can see that Lois isn't sure about the hero thing - the only one that hasn't noticed is clark! The conversation between them is great, though - and you write their banter so well!

With a shriek of laughter, she darted upward and away from him. He caught her in midair and dove for the couch, where he proceeded to kiss her until they were both short of breath.

When he finally let her up for air, she managed to say teasingly, “Just remember, I *let* you catch me, Flyboy.”

He laughed, gave her one more kiss, and then stood up, pulling her to her feet at the same time.
This was probably my favorite part -and definitely my favorite line - it's typical lois!

You have done a wonderful job drawing these characters, and I can't wait what you have left in store for them!


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi