Gaaahhhh! Barbara, I really believe you are going to wrap up this story in a truly sweet way, and I so much want to be here when it happens, but I've got to tell you... well, GAAAAHHHH! Lois believes in Lex sufficiently to have Clark investigated!!!! What if the people she hired find out that Clark is Superman? Oh, but somebody already has: Luthor's disgusting Mrs. Cox broke into Clark's apartment and found his Superman suits!!! I can hardly stand it!!!

So, okay, let's look at what I really liked about this part:

The apartment seemed darker than it ever had before. Everything, including the colours of his suit, was less bright. Of course, this was just his imagination. Clark knew that. He didn’t feel like getting up; he didn’t feel like doing anything but mourning the loss of Lois.
I do think Clark was looking after his own stupid pride more than he was looking after Lois's best interests when he so bitterly rejected her when she asked for his love as Superman. I'm glad he's regretting it! And I love the little detail that the colors of his suit seem less bright now.

He had let her down. She might never have asked for his support and protection, but he had known that she relied on him.
Clark is being too hard on himself, but on the other hand, I really, really love him when he blames himself for having been unfair to Lois.

Clark wasn’t dressed accurately. His shirt was turned inside out; his trousers still gaped open , and he hadn’t shaved for more than twenty-four hours. His hair was a mess with remnants of hair gel in it in an attempt to wear it in Clark style.
Oh, poor Clark! But I actually love it that he looks so bad right now.

“Clark, you don’t listen to a word I said. I have just asked you if we were going to hunt us a zebra, and you said ‘yes’. What is eating you?” Jimmy wanted to know.
This is so funny and sad at the same time! Clark isn't even making an effort to listen to what Jimmy is saying.

Someone has to convince Lois that Luthor is a bad choice,” he said thoughtfully. “Maybe Superman will be able to do that.”

“Not just anyone, Clark - you! My mother always says that you shouldn’t wait for someone else to do your work. If you want it done, do it yourself.
Jimmy definitely has a point here! And it doesn't even matter that Clark and Superman are the same person. If you want her as Clark, Clark, you've got to try to win her as Clark!

This was really funny:

“I don’t need to eat,” Clark muttered.


“I’m not that hungry, Jimmy.”
Watch that secret identity thing, Clark-o.... wink

Lois had an unfamiliar feeling of loss burning in her chest with the mere thought of Clark being married. Why was that? She didn’t love him; she had recently told him so.
Oh, Lois, you are driving me crazy!!! Stop telling yourself that you don't love Clark!!! wallbash

Maybe she felt this loss because his being married would mean that he hadn’t been honest with her. It would mean that he had concealed an important part of his life.

She still refused to believe that Clark would actually do that. But if he really had done it, she was going to lose her friend a second time. She’d lose him even more completely than what had already happened. Was that possible?
Oh, Lois, you don't know what he lied to you about.... And he really should have told you! wallbash

“Luthor has put me into this prison and he won’t let me out of it. “

“I know, Jack,” Clark said hoarsely. “But someone has to stop him. So far, you’re about one of the only other people in this city who sees him for who he really is.”

Jack stated wryly, “That’s gonna help.
This was quite funny! Clark likes talking to Jack, because Jack may be the only other person in Metropolis who doesn't believe in Lex. But as Jack said, like that is going to help him....

Help was always an important thing even for Superman. Whenever Clark had approached a disaster, he had searched for the medical staff and for the fire-fighters. They were more important than him. Without them he often would have been no help to the victims. He flew them out of danger, but saving their life, that was what the physicians and nurses did.
I very much appreciate this. Such a nice observation.

And then Mrs. Cox breaks into Clark's apartment, and... oh, I just can't stand it!!!! At the very, very least she isn't going to tell Luthor about her discovery (good!) and she is going to do her level best to make Luthor lose interest in Lois and fall in love with her instead (even better!). Even so, the fact that she has discovered that Clark is Superman is making my skin crawl. So hurry back with part four soon, and please make things a little better for Lois and Clark. Pretty please?
