RL has been too busy for me lately, Nan, and I haven't read your story, but I did read this chapter and I really liked it. It's great to see Lois as the superpowered hero and Clark as the normal guy! Although, even if he is normal, he is still strong, as you pointed out:

Clark grabbed the door handle and pulled. There was a crunching sound and the tinkle of glass and the jammed door came partway open. He heaved, dragging it open a few more inches, peripherally aware that, even as a normal man, he was still respectably strong.
Good! I really like that!

And Lois is still very much Lois! We see her rescue an injured driver, who, however, caused the accident which injured him and which also damaged Lois's Jeep. I loved this:

He was just lucky, Clark thought, that Lois had been too busy to give him much attention following the mess that he had caused. He doubted that the guy had seen the last of Lois Lane, either. He had damaged her treasured Jeep, and if he survived his accident -- which now seemed likely -- Clark suspected that he would shortly wish that he hadn't.

And sorry to quote all of this, but it is irresistible:

"Nice outfit," Clark commented.

"It's a little tight," Lois said.

"I know, but it cuts down on --"

"Wind resistance. Alice told me," she said. She approached him and put an arm around his waist. Clark took the opportunity to slide his around her waist as well.

"Anyhow, tight or not, I like it," he said. "And, believe me, no one is going to be looking at your face."

"Oh, you --" She swatted his arm lightly. Clark pretended to wince.

"Hey! No beating up on me just because you have super powers!"

"Then watch your mouth, partner," she said.

"You mean, you *don't* want me to notice?"

"We...ll ..."

He laughed. "Good thing."
And Lois is going to fly Clark to Smallville, and it is a disconcerting situation for both of them. You really made me feel how scary flying can be, Nan!

And this is alt-Clark, the one who lost his Earth parents at such an early age, and who was sent to a series of foster homes. And Sheriff Harris wouldn't let his daughter Rachel be Clark's date at the prom, because he believed a kid like Clark would never amount to anything. How painful. I'm glad that Lois strongly disapproved of Rachel's father for thinking so little of Clark:

"*What*?" Her voice was louder than she apparently intended, and she lowered it quickly. "Why that bigoted so-and-so!"
"I guess I can see how you sort of drifted to Lana," Lois said thoughtfully. "I guess it never occurred to me that it was as tough for you as a kid as it was for me. It's too bad we didn't know each other back then."

"Yeah. Moral support and all that. If your father had let me associate with you," Clark said. "Anyway, I think I've proven myself since then, but I guess it still rankles a bit."
Hmmm, what an interesting scenario you are describing here, Nan. What if Lois and Clark had gotten to know one another when they were both sad and lost teenagers? I would like to read that story.

Well, I'm glad I read this chapter, because it is very well-written, interesting and entertaining. And I'll really try to do better from now on and read the rest of your story, too.
